lunes, septiembre 13, 2004

Igual acá la pasamos bien...

Bahama Breeze

Coconut Prawns Our guests’ favorite! Marinated in Coco Lopez and crisp-fried with citrus mustard sauce.


Wicker Park

Wicker Park on

In this remake of 1996 French thriller L'Appartement, a Chicago investment banker (Josh Hartnett) sees a woman in a café who looks like his former girlfriend, who disappeared without a trace years ago. This prompts a frantic chase to find out if the mysterious woman is really his long-lost love.

Starring Josh Hartnett, Rose Byrne, Matthew Lillard, Diane Kruger, Christopher Cousins, Jessica Pare
Director(s) Paul McGuigan
Screenwriter(s) Brandon Boyce
Studio MGM
Production Company Lakeshore Entertainment, MGM

Release Date
September 3, 2004
MPAA Rating PG-13 - for sexuality and language
GenreThriller, Romance, Remake
Running Time 114 minutes
Media Type Color
Filming Location(s) Montreal
Alternate Title(s) Obsessed

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